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Resources Connections, Inc. (RGP)
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Mar 14, 2024 07:15 PM
Recently named among Forbes’ World’s Best Management Consulting Firms RGP is a global consulting firm focused on project execution services that power clients’ operational needs and change initiatives utilizing on-demand, expert and diverse talent. As a next-generation human capital partner for our clients, we specialize in co-delivery of enterprise initiatives typically precipitated by business transformation, strategic transactions or regulatory change. Our engagements are designed to leverage human connection and collaboration to deliver practical solutions and more impactful results that power our clients’, consultants’ and partners’ success. We attract top-caliber professionals with in-demand skill sets who seek a workplace environment characterized by choice and control, collaboration and human connection. The trends in today’s marketplace favor flexibility and agility as businesses confront transformation pressures, severe skilled labor shortages and speed-to-market challenges. Our client engagement and talent delivery model offers speed and agility, strongly positioning us to help our clients transform their businesses and workplaces, especially at a time where high-quality talent is scarce and reliance on a flexible workforce to execute transformational projects is increasingly imperative. With approximately 3,800 professionals collectively engaged with over 1,900 clients around the world from 41 physical practice offices and multiple virtual offices, we are their partner in delivering on the “now of work.” Headquartered in Irvine, California, RGP is proud to have served 88% of the Fortune 100.